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在亚洲5个最美丽的岛屿上冲浪直到夏末 - 听力课堂
来自 : 听力课堂网 发布时间:2021-03-25
5 most beautiful islands in Asia to surf to the end of summer


This list of the 5 most beautiful islands in Asia will be great suggestions for those who do not know where to travel this summer.


Every summer, the beautiful islands have a strong attraction for travelers. Many people choose to go to the magical, cool space of the beautiful islands in Europe such as Santorini (Greece) or Ischia (Italy). If Europe is too far for you, then Asia has beautiful islands as well, ones whose names can make you want to run there and surf to the end of summer.


1. Boracay - The jewel in the middle of the Philippine coast

长滩岛 菲律宾海岸中部的宝石


Boracay is a small island in Aklan Province, Philippines with a length of about 7km, less than 2km across, the total area of ​​the island is just over 10 square kilometers. Not only is the brilliant pearl in the middle of the Philippines, Boracay is also one of the 5 most beautiful islands in Asia and in the top 25 of the world.


In the summer, tourists often come to Boracay to surf white water, lie on the smooth white sand or lull in the golden sunshine with peaceful green coconut palms.


2. Koh Samui - The beautiful coconut island of Thailand

苏梅岛 泰国美丽的椰子岛


Located off the coast of East Kra Isthmus, Koh Samui is the third largest island in Thailand with an area of ​​up to 228.7 km2 and a population of over 50,000 people. Both locals and tourists call this place Coconut Island .

苏梅岛位于东克拉地峡的海岸,是泰国的第三大岛,面积达228.7平方公里,人口超过5万。当地人和游客都称这个地方为 椰子岛 。

Because before, this land was just a pristine coconut island, few people lived. However, over the past decade, Koh Samui has become one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Thailand, just behind Phuket and also one of the most beautiful islands in Asia.


3. Cebu - The gate to the Philippines s island paradises

宿雾 菲律宾岛屿天堂的大门


Located in the southern Philippines, Cebu is also listed as one of the most beautiful islands in Asia. This place is like a gate leading to thousands of journeys when surrounded by 170 different islands.

宿雾岛位于菲律宾南部,也是亚洲最美丽的岛屿之一。这里就像一个 门 ,被170个不同的岛屿包围着,通向成千上万的旅程。

The islands of Cebu are not far from each other, from one island to another takes only a few dozen minutes by boat. Each island has a unique feature of the landscape and traditional customs. The special feature here is that the waves are very smooth, the sea is clear all year round but the seawater is much saltier than the Vietnam sea.


The characteristics of Cebu beach are non-sloping beaches, white and smooth sand. So, when you come here you can walk for miles on the sea with knee-high water level or unleash all the summer surfing without fear of flooding.


4. Naoshima - The art island of Japan



Naoshima is not without reason to be honored as The Island of Japanese Art . Coming here, you will encounter the different types of art, the unique art architecture present in every corner of the island, from hotels, galleries to outdoor areas.

直岛素有 日本艺术之岛 的美誉。来到这里,你会遇到不同类型的艺术,独特的艺术建筑呈现在岛上的每个角落,从酒店、画廊到户外区域。

Walking around the island alone exploring art in your own way, you will discover outdoor sculptures and impressive works of art, sometimes they hide themselves, cleverly disguised as a playground for children.


5. Maldives - The smallest island nation in Asia

马尔代夫 亚洲最小的岛国


It would be flawed to mention the most beautiful islands in Asia and skip the Maldives. From the smallest island nation in Asia, the Maldives has become one of the most resort destinations in the world.


The image associated with the Maldives is the stretch of white sand, brilliant coral reefs hidden in turquoise sea or palm-shaped resorts reaching out to the sea.


Surfing, snorkelling, watching coral reefs, swimming with sharks or a romantic dinner with candles and wine by the sea are luxurious experiences you should try when traveling to the Maldives.


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发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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